
Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Think Realty Podcast #58 - Keith Aichele of FSBO Vault
Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Learn how to build your real estate investing business and career!
Think Realty’s CEO Eddie Wilson speaks to Keith Aichele of FSBO Vault about his unique system that helps both beginning and seasoned investors reach the next level by completing what he calls the “Real Estate Deal Wheel.”
Keith also talks about his NextGen Real Estate Investing Workshop, and a special offer for Think Realty members!
For more information, visit FSBOVault.net.

Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Think Realty Podcast #57 - Jared Garfield of ROI Turnkey
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Eddie Wilson, CEO of Think Realty talks with Jared Garfield of ROI Turnkey about the direction of the economy and Jared’s educational program that teaches passive investing strategies. Also, learn where some of the hottest investing markets are in the country!
For more information about ROI Turnkey, visit ROITurnkeyProperties.com

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Think Realty Podcast #56 - Don Wenner with DLP Real Estate Capital
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Eddie Wilson, CEO of Think Realty, talks with Don Wenner, the founder and owner of DLP Real Estate Capital about the keys to scaling a high-growth, high-profit business. Growth is good but can be overwhelming. Learn how to manage quick business growth and how to partner with other real estate investors who want to scale their business. Also, where are the biggest opportunities in today’s market? Find out that and more!
For more information on Don Wenner and his companies, visit DLPRE.com

Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Think Realty Podcast #55 – The Money Multiplier Method with Brent Kesler
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Learn how to recapture and recycle your money! Think Realty’s CEO Eddie Wilson talks to Brent Kesler about The Money Multiplier Method, how it works, and how you can benefit. Also, where can you learn more about this method of money management and how can you watch your road to wealth become clearer? Tune in to this podcast for these answers and more!
For more about the Money Multiplier Method, visit TheMoneyMultiplier.com

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Think Realty Podcast #52 - Fannie Mae’s Chief Economist Doug Duncan
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Think Realty’s CEO Eddie Wilson talks with Fannie Mae’s Chief Economist Doug Duncan about why interest rates are falling and what that means for the housing market. Mr. Duncan predicts how the housing industry will fare in the next recession and explains why consumer sentiment is at an all-time high. Plus, results from Fannie Mae’s mortgage lender survey, and what is Doug Duncan willing to say that most traditional economists won’t? Find out that, and more!

Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Think Realty Podcast #54 – Paul Jackson of Residential Capital Partners
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Eddie Wilson, CEO of Think Realty speaks with Paul Jackson of Residential Capital Partners about lending. Learn about some of the different products that Residential Capital Partners offers as well as the current rates. Also, Eddie and Paul Jackson talk about the current status of the economy.
For more about Residential Capital Partners, visit ResCapPartners.com

Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Think Realty Podcast #53 - Merrill Chandler with CreditSense
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Merrill Chandler with CreditSense and FundingHackers.com talks with Think Realty CEO, Eddie Wilson about the difference between fundability and credit repair. Learn how to receive funding for your next project! Also, Merrill discusses his new book called “Are You F***able” and how to receive a free copy.
For more about Merrill Chandler, visit FundingHackers.com

Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Think Realty Podcast #51 – Inaas Arabi from RealPage
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Inaas Arabi of RealPage talks with Think Realty CEO, Eddie Wilson about his software called “Propertyware.” If you’re a single-family rental investor, this is a podcast that you won’t want to miss! Learn how you can grow doors, gain additional revenue per door and maximize NOI. Also in this episode, a Property Management Specialist from Yardi Breeze presents a special segment called "The Breezeway." Learn about about 5 hard questions that real estate pros need to be able to answer.
For more about Propertyware, visit Propertyware.com
For more about Yardi Breeze, visit YardiBreeze.com

Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Think Realty Podcast #50 - Daren Blomquist from Auction.com
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Daren Blomquist from Auction.com talks with Abhi about the distressed market outlook report that was recently released. Darren will help break down the report and explain some of the important findings. Also, Ray Urrutia from Pull the Trigger Enterprises stops by the show to talk about Becoming the Bank!
For more about Auction.com, visit www.Auction.com
For more about Pull The Trigger Enterprises, visit http://ptteltd.com/

Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Think Realty Podcast #49 - Jon Lee of Outback REIN Talks About Strategic Financing
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
John Lee of Outback REIN talks with Abhi Golhar about creative financing and how to maximize your profitability of property. He also talks about what you’ll see and experience at the Capital Funding Summit taking place November 5th and 6th in Las Vegas. Plus, Abhi discusses four fundamental choices that can help grow your real estate business.
For more about Outback REIN, visit OutbackREIN.com
For more about the Capital Funding Summit and to purchase a ticket, visit https://thinkrealty.com/tr-events/las-vegas/