
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Think Realty Podcast #288 - Empower Her With InvestHer! (AUDIO ONLY)
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
“I'm third generation real estate investor, and the biggest shame is that more women and minorities are not represented in this space.” – Eddie Wilson One of the major inequalities in the real estate industry is that there aren’t enough women in the investing space, so Eddie sat down with Ginny Adkins, Co-Founder of The InvestHer EXP Realty Team, to dive deeper into the topic. They chat about the organization and vision for InvestHer, what tools the organization gives women to be successful in the industry, and how other women can get involved. Plus, they discuss one of the big hurdles that Ginny sees women overcoming today that they have struggled with in the past. For more information, visit therealestateinvesther.com.