
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Think Realty Podcast #283 - Capital Is the Flow of Life
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
In today’s marketplace, it is becoming harder and harder to find capital. Some of the capital sources that investors have been using for years have dried up and now are looking for private money. Eddie sat down with Merrill Chandler from Get Fundable, to discuss this issue and how to combat it with Merrill’s “Get Fundable” program. They chat about why FICO scores don’t matter as much as people think and how a small businesses and entrepreneurs could benefit from using Get Fundable. Plus, Merrill tells Eddie what one of the greatest mistakes real estate investors and all entrepreneurs make. For more information on strategy, tactics and implementation, visit MyFundingSystem.com, and to check out Merrill Chandler’s book, “The New F Word”, visit GetFundableBook.com.